Experiences of Oil online conference -participation was a collaboration with Friends of Waitara River inc.
our partipcation was online from 20 McLean Street Waitara surrounded by Northen Taranaki oil gas sites
Experiences of Oil Online 22 – 24 November, the neraby Waitara valley methanol site
Experiences of Oil Online 22 – 24 November Experiences of Oil is co-produced by Stavanger Art Museum and Curatorial Practice, Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design, University of Bergen – postacrd form 1982
Experiences of Oil – online confererence Stavanger Art Museum. image from 2015 – Waitara flag Sovereignty raising a Waitara Flag
The Waitara Project Inc window Te Tuhi 2020
The Waitara Project launched on Saturday 10 October – I was in residence for the day. The activation is a restaging of the hokohoko (bartering) activities that started in the 1980s as the Poverty Shop, later named the Waitara Project Community shop. “The Project questions consumerism and undermines the present economic system of profit, waste and exploitation, and so does its extension at Te Tuhi: an area for free, non-monetary exchange. The seed items for the exchange area come from Waitara. They carry with them the history of the project and of Waitara itself. “The Community Shop was not operating during the lockdown, but our community was. We phoned to check on each other, and we made sure that everyone was looked after. The Waitara Project was briefly disrupted by the pandemic, but the environmental, climate and social injustices that it was founded to counter continue, and so does our work.” Visitors are invited to take something and leave something at the hokohoko station set up in the foyer of Te Tuhi. This Saturday, I will be present for the day, to engage with visitors and discuss the project. The Waitara Project is part of our current group exhibition DE-celerate, and the exchange will continue until the exhibition closes on 29 November. Te Tuhi is open daily 9am-5pm.
With Tertius’ painting On The Fence. Tertius painted this in 1980, at a time when the then-Prime Minister Robert Muldoon was accelerating environmental destruction in Taranaki with ‘Think Big’. It shows Tertius and me, standing in a then-future gasland wasteland in Taranaki. On the Fence is a window into the environmental and social threats that made the Taranaki Undermining Project necessary when it started in 1988, and that have continued to motivate how I live and work. The female figure in the painting (me) is standing with her hand on Tertius’ shoulder. It is a pose that I recognise from how my mother would comfort people and affirm connection with them. Tertius says of On The Fence’s title: “When you sit on the fence, and don’t make a choice, the future will be decided for you.” For me, forming a community is about making better choices visible, possible, and imaginable for everyone.
signed framed poster and posters to take John Terilli – the original image is form Mr Universe Competition in Sydney in 1980 – the poster is signed 2020.
give away posters – posing in the foyer John Terilli – the original image is form Mr Universe Competition in Sydney in 1980 – over lock down John conatcted me about the images I took of him and we agreed to display an image again and give the posters away – Posing in the foyer of Te Tuhi.
Private Collection – Levin
install image as part of DE-celerate at Te Tuhi Pakuranga : 05 September 2020 — 29 November 2020.
DE-celerate at Te Tuhi Pakuranga : 05 September 2020 — 29 November 2020.
DE-celerate at Te Tuhi Pakuranga : 05 September 2020 — 29 November 2020.
During covid level 1 this was an area for free exchange – you were welcome to bring or take anything you can carry
Unafraid film in the making
30 10 2020 Urutawhia Wrathall at the Re opening of Nuku Tewhatewha. Carved in 1856 one of seven or eight called Nga Pou o Te Kingitanga. Urutawhia and i were both at the moving in 1982.
30 10 2020 Urutawhaia’s offering, at the re opening of Nuku Tewhatewha